Meat quality and technical services
CDPQ supports the industry in its objectives of pork product innovation and differentiation in the marketplace. For this purpose, a multidisciplinary team can intervene at different stages in the innovation process: experts in genetics, nutrition, herd management, economics, meat quality and meat processing.
CDPQ has developed a considerable skillset concerning the taking of various measurementsrelated to meat quality. This expertise is used to monitor the changing needs of the marketand comply with the new specifications for pork.
The CDPQ technical services team sets the standard in Canada now for ultrasonicmeasurements, for both commercial producers and stakeholders from different sectors. This expertise initially developed in pig production is now available for several other animalspecies (e.g. sheep, cattle, wild boars, fish).
Main services offered
- Statistical analyses, breakdown of the costs of non-compliant meat quality and analysisof probable causes
- Implementation of plans to improve the technological and sensory quality of pork meat
- Implementation of management systems for factors that influence meat quality
- Prise de mesures de la qualité de la viande des coupes de viandes et du rendement de carcasse (ex. perte en eau, pH, fermeté, couleur, % de gras intramusculaire, longueur de carcasse, poids des coupes primaires, surface de l’oeil de longe)
- Prises de mesures sur l’animal vivant (porcs, bovins de boucherie, ovins, sanglier, poissons)
For more information, please see this document, which lists our main services by field of expertise