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The CDPQ team is made up of multidisciplinary professionals (e.g. analyst, geneticist, engineer, veterinarian and experts in animal feed, livestock buildings and herd management, economics and meat quality) working together to carry out research and development projects, and deliver specialized services to players in the swine industry. You will find below our organization chart and our staff list with their contact details.

Organization Chart CDPQ

Executive Management

Jacques Faucher
General Manager

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4305
Cell.: 418 569-0330
Email: jfaucher@cdpq.ca

Renée Caron
Advisor to the General Manager

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4306
Cell.: 418 907-8850
Email: rcaron@cdpq.ca

Jinny Boilard
Executive Assistant and administrative services

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4318
Email: jboilard@cdpq.ca

Senior Managers

Laetitia Cloutier, Agr., M.Sc.
Responsible - Feeding and Animal Nutrition

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4352
Cell.: 418 609-0320
Email: lcloutier@cdpq.ca

Marie-Pierre Fortier, M.Sc., Ph.D. student
Responsible - Meat Quality and Technical Services

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4337
Cell.: 418 802-7930
Email: mpfortier@cdpq.ca

Frédéric Fortin, Agr., M.Sc.
Responsible - Genetics

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4310
Cell.: 581 995-6207
Email: ffortin@cdpq.ca

Patrick Gagnon, Ph.D. - Water Science and M.Sc. - Statistics
Responsible - Analyzing and Evaluating Data

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4311
Cell.: 418 576-5079
Email: pgagnon@cdpq.ca

Lucie Galiot, Ph.D. - Animal Science
Responsible - Feeding and Animal Nutrition - Sow

Phone : 418 650-2440
Email: lgaliot@cdpq.ca

Christian Klopfenstein, Ph.D., DVM
Responsible - Health and Biosecurity

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4309
Email: cklopfenstein@cdpq.ca

Raphaël Mbombo Mwendela, M.Sc.
Responsible - Management and Economics

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4321
Email: rmbombomwendela@cdpq.ca

Francis Pouliot, Eng., M.B.A.
Responsible for Research infrastructures

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4328
Email: fpouliot@cdpq.ca

Sébastien Turcotte, Agr.
Responsible - Building and Livestock Management

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4354
Cell.: 418 997-3865
Email: sturcotte@cdpq.ca

Services and Projects

Alexandra Carrier, Ph.D. student
Project Leader

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4313
Email: acarrier@cdpq.ca

Vicki Clouet-Côté, Agr.
Project Leader

Phone : 418 650-2440
Email: vclouetcote@cdpq.ca

Claudia Coulombe
Animal Health Technician

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4316
Email: ccoulombe@cdpq.ca

Raymond Deshaies
Technical Advisor

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4343
Email: rdeshaies@cdpq.ca

Valérie Dufour, M.Sc.
Project Leader

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4334
Email: vdufour@cdpq.ca

Gabrielle Dumas, Agr., M.Sc.
Coordinator Maternity Barn

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4338
Email: gdumas@cdpq.ca

Hélène Fecteau
Technical Advisor

Phone : 418 650-2440

Gabrielle Germain, B.Sc.A. 
Coordinator PATBQ

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4327
Email: ggermain@cdpq.ca

Anne-Sophie Hébert
Student in agri-environmental engineering

Phone : 418 650-2440
Email: ashebert@cdpq.ca

Isabelle Lachance
Collaboration Officer – R&D and Knowledge Transfer (Contractual)

Phone : 418 650-2440
Email: ilachance@cdpq.ca

Mélanie Lachance, Agr.
Project Coordinator, Bovine sector

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4326
Email: mlachance@cdpq.ca

Caroline Lacroix, B.Sc.A.
Project Leader

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4364
Email: clacroix@cdpq.ca

Élizabeth Lepage, Agr.
Project Coordinator

Phone : 418 650-2440
Email: elepage@cdpq.ca

Laurence Maignel, M.Sc.
Liaison Officer for the R&D and Knowledge Transfer Committee of the Swine Industry (Contractual)

Phone :
Email: lmaignel@cdpq.ca

Israël Michaud
Technical Advisor

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4341
Email: imichaud@cdpq.ca

Véronique Morin-Joncas, Agr.
Project Leader

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4360
Email: vmorinjoncas@cdpq.ca

Luiene Moura Rocha
Project Leader (contractual)

Phone :
Email: lmourarocha@cdpq.ca

Eric Ouellette
Technical Advisor

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4342
Email: eouellette@cdpq.ca

Marie-Claude Poulin
Consultant veterinarian

Phone :

Mélanie Poulin
Research and Production Supervisor - Maternity Barn

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4344
Email: mpoulin@cdpq.ca

Marie-Aude Ricard, Eng.
Project Leader

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4314
Email: maricard@cdpq.ca

Béatrice Sauvé, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral fellow

Phone :
Email: bsauve@cdpq.ca

Gabrielle Thibault
Agronomy student

Phone : 418 650-2440
Email: gthibault@cdpq.ca

Mallorie Trottier-Lavoie, Agr., M.Sc.
Project Leader Beef cattle

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4319
Cell.: 418-520-1868
Email: mtrottierlavoie@cdpq.ca

Jean-Gabriel Turgeon, Bachelor Agro-Environmental Engineering
Project Leader

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4350
Email: jgturgeon@cdpq.ca

Deschambault's Swine Testing Station

Léonie Morin-Doré, M.Sc.
Project Leader / Manager - Research Station

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4312
Email: lmorindore@cdpq.ca

Hélène Mayrand
Farm Laborer

Phone :
Email: hmayrand@cdpq.ca

Sophie Mayrand
Farm Laborer

Phone :
Email: smayrand@cdpq.ca

Sylvain Paquin
Farm Laborer

Phone : 418 286-4789

Research and Training Maternity Barn

Ryan Rey Augosto
Farm Laborer

Phone : 418 650-2440

Rico Earl Bataller
Farm Laborer

Phone : 418 650-2440

Pierre-Olivier Cyr
Farm Laborer/Building maintenance

Phone : 418 650-2440

Marie-Soleil Langlois
Farm Laborer

Phone : 418 650-2440

Chantal Mercier
Farm Laborer

Phone : 418 650-2440

Nathalie Sirois
Farm Laborer

Phone : 418 650-2440

Richard Théroux
Farm Laborer

Phone : 418 650-2440

Documentation and Communications

Johanne Nadeau
Library and Document Management

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4320
Email: jnadeau@cdpq.ca

Nathalie Plourde, B.Sc.A.
Communications Manager

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4331
Email: nplourde@cdpq.ca

Accounting Services

Isabelle Nadeau, CRHA
Human resources advisor

Phone :
Cell.: 418 254-8534
Email: inadeau@cdpq.ca

Sylvie Panneton, CPA auditor
Financial Controller

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4307
Email: spanneton@cdpq.ca

Émilie Pelletier
Accounting technician

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4303
Email: epelletier@cdpq.ca

Information Technologies

Martin Bélanger
Software architect – Developer

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4366
Email: mbelanger@cdpq.ca

Sylvain Gagnon
IT Developer

Phone : 418 650-2440
Email: sgagnon@cdpq.ca

Christian Gignac
IT Manager

Phone : 418 650-2440 ext. 4325
Email: cgignac@cdpq.ca