The Centre de développement du porc du Québec inc. (CDPQ) is a non-profit corporation.Founded in 1992, CDPQ was created under the initiative of the ministère de l’Agriculture, desPêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) in order to manage programs related togenetics, health, herd analysis as well as commercial pig evaluation trials.
Although initially created to manage MAPAQ programs related to pig production, CDPQ is todaya multidisciplinary center of expertise which, through its services, its knowledge transferactivities and its involvement in several research and development projects, contributes tothe dynamism of the entire Quebec pork industry. Through the various committees it managesand its multiple collaborators and business partners, CDPQ also plays a consultative orcoordinating role with a large number of industry players, facilitating, among other things, theimplementation of collective initiatives.