Optimization of environmental conditions in a positive pressure ventilated pig maternity unit
Evaluate the effectiveness of aerogeothermal systems to filter air entering pigs buildin
Feature - Porc Québec magazine (French)
Feature - Le Bulletin des agriculteurs magazine (French)
Fact sheet
Power Point Presentation
Evaluation of pig barn air ozonation for biosecurity purposes
Power Point Presentation
Minimizing the Risks of Infection in Canadian Swine Buildings with Air Filtration Systems
Feature - Porc Québec magazine (French)
Literature Review - Air Filtration in Swine Barns, Overview of the current situation
Fact sheet - Air Filtration in Swine Barns (summary)
Fact sheet – Economics
Fact sheet - Analysis of Findings and Recommendations (done during audits)
Minimum Standards for Swine Buildings with Air Filtration – Engineering and Biosecurity
Checklist - Engineering and Biosecurity Aspects
Report - Evaluation of Pre-filter and Filter Performance, using a Test Bench
Power Point Presentation
Innovative Biocontainment Concept With Air Filtration at the Exhaust Fans in a Quarantine Facility: Combination of Proven Technologies to Reduce Filter Clogging Rate
Final report
Feature - Porc Québec magazine (French)
Results – Biocontainment in a quarantine facility
Information sheet - Concept and Results
Information sheet – Protocols and Biosecurity
Develop Ventilation Concepts That Would Enable a Reduction in the Flow of air Required During Summer in Maternity and Grow/Finish Facilities
Final Report (French)
Feature - Porc Québec magazine (French)
Information sheet (French)
Development of methods to reduce unfiltered air inflow in swine barns with filtered air systems
Information sheet (French)
Feature - Porc Québec magazine (French)
Technical guide for the installation and use of air filtration systems in swine barns
Technical guide
Evaluation of the effectiveness of Noveko air filters for reduction or prevention of airborne transmission of PRRSV: tests conducted on used filters of different ages
Final report (French)
Update on a swine farm air filtration system equipped with virucides or bactericides for preventing airborne transmission of pathogens (infectious agents)
Feature - Porc Québec magazine (French)
PowerPoint Presentation (French)
Final report (French)
Estimate for installation of an air filtration system (French)
Summary (French)
Evaluation of an Air Filtration System Designed to Reduce or Prevent Airborne Transmission of the PRRS Virus in Swine Barns
Final report
Feature – Porc Québec magazine (French)