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Patrick Gagnon, Ph.D. - Water Science and M.Sc. - Statistics
Responsible - Analyzing and Evaluating Data

Tel. 418 650-2440
Cell. 418 576-5079
Email: pgagnon@cdpq.ca



$imul-Grading enables users to simulate the impact on market revenue of a change in slaughter data characteristics. Users can import their own data or generate data to obtain a realistic distribution of slaughter data. Among other things, this data generation is used to study different levels of average lean yield.
By selecting a given grading grid and the payment of a premium (or not), based on reaching a minimum weight, users obtain an estimate of market revenue for the slaughter data in question. Users can also change the average weight at depopulation and so simulate the impact of weight change on market revenue. It is also possible to compare the difference between the margins (feeding costs-market revenue) obtained according to different slaughter weights compared to a reference weight.

Instructions to the user
If you are interested to get to know this simulator and get the basic instructions for its use, please contact Patrick Gagnon.

$IMUL- Grading was designed by Joel Rivest, Ph.D., analyst.

The $IMUL-Lysine and $IMUL-Grading tools were developed as part of a study by CDPQ on the interaction between the breeding scheme and feed type to identify strategies that improve the profitability of swine operations.

Fundiing for this project has been provided in part through the Canadian Aricultural Adaptation Projgram (CAAP) on behalf of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. In Qubec, the portion intended for the agricultural-production sector is being managed by the Conseil pour le développement de l'agriculture du Québec (CDAQ).